Update: Webversion viewport issues fixed, but game launches in a new window. Not sure why, if you know how I can embed it in the browser please let me know

 I uploaded a windows version after the submission deadline (StarShip_Survivor.exe) in case the web version is buggy

This is my submission for GameDev.tv Game Jam 2024

It is a space invaders mock up with roguelike elements to match the theme of "Last stand" of the jam. I didn't have enough time to fix some bugs and add some lore or skill explanation, so I apologize if you run into some issues. Please leave me a comment with the issue and i'll work on it when I can.


WASD/Arrow keys move

LMB: Shoot. Hold for 1 second to charge when skill is unlocked

RMB: Bullet absorber. Time right to absorb enemy projectile for health

Skill Tree explanation

HP+: Increases max HP

DMG+: Increases damage

Life+1: One more life before you die

Auto Repair: Heals you up to 50% between enemy waves

Charged Shot: Hold LMB for one second to charge your shot

Auto Shield: Passive shield that blocks one hit before disappearing temporarily.

Credits: If I forgot to mention anybody here, I apologize. Please let me know and I'll add credits where its due

Kenney.nl for art and sound effects



Kenney Digital Audio

Kenney Scifi sounds

Kenney impact sounds

Background music: https://pixabay.com/music/video-games-space-invaders-classic-arcade-game-116826/

Level2 Background art: https://shiroze.itch.io/starry-night-parallax-background

Level1 Background art: https://ansimuz.itch.io/mountain-dusk-parallax-background

Published 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Made withGodot


StarShip_Survivor.exe 100 MB

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